2019 – The John Dudley Portrait Prize

This inaugural Annual Exhibition celebrates the life of a great artist, past president and proud supporter of the arts.

Judge: Lee Machelak
Cover painting of John Dudley by: Charlie Tong
Photo by: Paul Gallant


Entries close: 5pm, Monday 1st July 2019
Delivery of art works: 3pm to 5pm, Thursday 25th July at EAS Hall, Cnr Church & Anne Sts, Emerald
Opening: 12 noon, Saturday 27th July 2019


  • Open to all artists.
  • All portraits must be the original work of the exhibitor.
  • A maximum of 1 (one) entry per artist.
  • Artworks to not exceed 1.5m x 1.5m.
  • All artworks are displayed at the discretion of the Arts Society which reserves the right to not hang art works that are deemed inappropriate.
  • The back of the artworks must have artist’s name, contact number, title and medium.
  • Must be professionally framed with hanging wire fitted and no projecting screws.
  • No frame is required if on stretched canvas but must have required hanging as per above. Aside from self portraits, the sitter’s name and signature is required as an indication that they approve of having their portrait on display.
  • At the Opening the judge’s selection of the 10 best portraits will be announced and the overall winner will receive their prize.
  • The decision of the judge is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • All artworks will remain on display at EAS hall until 4pm Sunday 28th of July.
  • Those artworks not chosen in the final 10 must be collected between 4pm and 6pm on Sunday 28th July.
  • The 10 chosen artworks will then be displayed at the following venues:
    – Hills Hub or Emerald Library: August 2019
    – Cardinia Cultural Centre: September 2019
  • Artworks to be collected on Friday 27th September 4pm to 6pm at EAS hall, Cnr Church and Anne Streets Emerald. None of the 10 artworks can be collected prior to that date.
  • Any art work not collected within one month from the collection dates specified will become the property of the Emerald Arts Society and may be sold.
  • EAS will take care in the handling of artwork but will not be held responsible for any damage while on display at any of the venues.
  • Artists must agree to have images of their art used for publicity purposes.

Entry Fee: $15

Please send completed form to:
Emerald Arts Society, PO Box 460, Emerald 3782
OR scan and email to: portrait@emeraldartssociety.com.au

If you have any queries please contact the organisers.
Email: portrait@emeraldartssociety.com.au
Phone: Wendy 0408 553 325