Sunday 13th Oct 2019 — In this workshop Jo will introduce you to the non toxic Printmaking technique known as Collagraph. A Collagraph is a collage of recycled materials with texture, that has been glued to a matrix or plate. eg are Fabrics, textured papers, lace, ribbons & string. Jo also likes to use dried natural elements like leaves & feathers in building up plates.

You will cover the basics of building a plate, discussion on materials, choosing collage elements, collage plate making and sealing of plates. You will learn how to apply etching inks to your Collagraph plates and using an etching press, you will print your collagraph plates.
TIME: 10am–4pm
LOCATION: EAS Studio, Cnr Church & Anne Sts
COST: $75 Members; or $110 Non-members (which includes Membership)
SKILLS: Open to beginners to advanced. Jo is an experienced teacher who will meet you at your level.
PROVIDED: Morning & afternoon tea, some materials.
BRING: Own lunch and some materials (a list will be sent once you’ve paid). Also any images, specimens, photographs or sketches for inspiration.
or phone GINA on 0400 598 059
To secure your booking please pay in advance
Pay by Direct Deposit: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Acct name: Emerald Art Society
BSB : # 063 842 A/C : 1003 6074
In the ref put your initials and the title, eg. GM collagraph
Jo Horswill’s practice is mainly influenced by the natural environment of the Dandenong Ranges, where she has lived for more than 30 years. Collagraph, screen printing and mono printing are just some of the techniques she uses to tell her story. It may be a simple story of going for walks through the forests of giant Mountain Ash, that surround her home, collecting leaf matter and other organic elements, being in touch with the earth, the forest and feeling totally connected to that moment in time. Once back in the studio, these natural elements help direct her art practice.
Jo owns Paper Cloth Studio in Sassafras.