Annual Membership is from 1st February to 31st January.

Snapshots from a recent workshop with Paul Macklin

Member Benefits include:

  • A quarterly emailed newsletter providing arts news, details of classes and workshops, society events and exhibitions.
  • Workshops and demonstrations by well known artists at discount prices.

Emerald Arts Society (based in Emerald, VIC) welcomes the spectrum of members, from professional Artists to people who just want to ‘have a go’ at something.

Our classes, events and workshops reflect the varied level of talent and competence, that is the rich fabric of the membership.

Please note that this year we have fantastic new prices for memberships, and we also have a new bank account for EFT payments – so please take note of these changes in the form.

You can apply now, via the online Application Form or printable Form
Read more about our Membership


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