2024 John Dudley Portrait Prize

(Update: 29/06/2024 – Entries for this event are now closed)

We are delighted to announce that the John Dudley Portrait Prize will be happening again in 2024.  This annual exhibition celebrates the life of a great artist, past president and proud supporter of the arts.  This year, thanks to the generosity of the Dudley Family, the First Prize has been increased to $2000.  There will still be a People’s Choice award of $500.

Please note that the closing date for entries this year will be Saturday the 22nd of June 2024Opening night is Friday 19th July 7pm at the Hills Hub, Emerald

Also note, as per previous years, due to space restrictions entries cannot exceed 1.2m x 1.2m.  Full details, including Conditions of Entry, are available on the Entry Form.


2022 John Dudley Portrait Prize: Winner and Finalists on display

On 22nd July, we had the opening of the prestigious John Dudley Portrait Prize. Congratulations to everyone who entered and congratulations to the ten finalists.
The winner as chosen by the judge Cathy van Ee was Janine Good with her excellent painting called “A day in the life – Prof Damian Kingsbury“.
Thanks to Councillor Brett Owen from Cardinia Shire Council  for doing the offical opening. Thanks to Cardinia Arts and Cardinia Cultural Centre for the support given to us for this exhibition.
The Top Ten finalists will stay on show at The Hills Hub in Emerald until the 14th August and afterwards they will go on tour and be exhibited at Cardinia Culture Centre until the 18th September.
Congratulations to local artist Janine Good for winning the 2022 John Dudley Portrait Prize for her amazing painting titled “A day in the Life — Prof Damian Kingsbury”.
The Hills Hub, Emerald — beautifully displaying all the artworks entered for The John Dudley Portrait Prize Exhibition Weekend 2022. The Top 10 Finalists remain on display here until 14th August, then move to Cardinia Cultural Centre to be displayed until 18th September.
Read more about the article 2019 The John Dudley Portrait Prize – Images from Inaugural Exhibition
Janet Hayes with her work titled 'Self Portrait' — winner of the inaugural John Dudley Portrait Prize

2019 The John Dudley Portrait Prize – Images from Inaugural Exhibition

This inaugural exhibition which is to become a permanent fixture on the Emerald Arts Society’s calendar for many years to come was held over the 27th and 28th of July. The exhibition celebrated the life of John Dudley, a former president of the society, a spirited supporter of the arts and a valued member of the community who passed away in 2018.

The First Prize of $1000 was generously donated by the Dudley family and the Shire of Cardinia have pledged their support for future exhibitions. It was appropriate that the art society are running this event for the first time this year as the Emerald Arts Society celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Councillor Brett Owen officially launched the exhibition, with other councillors Leticia Wilmot and Jeff Springfield in attendance, together with the Cardinia Shire’s Arts Manager James Fischer. The Emerald Arts Society were delighted with the response, receiving 60 entries and an enormous crowd at the opening. The judge was celebrated artist Lee Machelak, who was a close friend of John Dudley and a member of The Twenty Melbourne Painters Group. Lee is an experienced judge and tutor who has won countless awards.

This year’s winner was Janet Hayes with her work ‘Self Portrait’.

The other finalists in the top 10 were:
Ramak Bamzar —The Dark Beauty
Lois Bannister — The Glass Artist
Rodney Edelsten — Self Portrait
Merryn Emms — The Plumber
Inge Engelhardt — Karin
Paul Gallant — Self Portrait
Robert (Andy) Gordon — Andy
Janet Hayes — Self Portrait
Belinda Schroder — Camouflage
Kara Soccio — Raw

All of the finalists’ artworks will be on display at the Emerald Library for the month of August.

Janet Hayes with her work titled 'Self Portrait' — winner of the inaugural John Dudley Portrait Prize
Janet Hayes with her work titled 'Self Portrait' — winner of the inaugural John Dudley Portrait Prize

Some images from the Inaugural Exhibition for the John Dudley Portrait Prize

The John Dudley Portrait Prize Exhibition Flyer with dates